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Give every Muslim an Islamic burial

What we do

We help individuals by developing a burial plan.

We provide pre-burial and direct burial support including the washing, shrouding, funeral prayer and the actual burial.

We advocate for the deceased, as we do not support the cremation of any Muslim persons known or unknown.

We provide assistance through advice, loans or grants after carefully assessing need.

We offer legal support to new Muslims and reverts

Our beneficiaries

Muslim Burial Fund is targeted at Muslims who face difficulty and hardship.

Muslim Burial Fund supports those who are eligible for zakat and are socially isolated.

This includes:
• Students
• Elderly people residing in care homes
• People with no legal status in the UK
• People with limited family support
• Muslim Reverts

Burial help

We provide information, advice and guidance about burials and DWP Funeral Fund applications.


We advocate on behalf of the Muslim deceased so that they are not cremated and buried according to their faith.


Burial plan

We meet terminally ill people and those reaching End of Life and support them with their burial plans.

This includes where they want to be buried, how their burial should be and how the burial will be financed.

End of life support

We provide a friendly 1:1 person centred support for people who are terminally ill and reaching End of Life.

Service users who are referred to us are paired with a befriender to support him/ her with their personal, social and spiritual needs.

Rapid response team

We provide speedy support to people and their families reaching End of Life.

Our intervention includes providing advice and guidance as well as practical help with food and transport during their hour of need.

Legal burial support & will service

We offer a free legal burial support and Will writing service for Muslim reverts and those in mixed marriages who are vulnerable, worried about not receiving a Muslim burial after their demise; feel they might be buried or cremated against their faith or wishes.

National Muslim Burial Register

The National Muslim Burial Register (NMBR) is a national database for those worried about not having anyone to carry out their Final Rites.

Education and awareness

We offer educational and awareness seminars focussing on key themes and issues on End of Life and burial support.

This is delivered from community venues around the UK with our partners and volunteers.

Case Studies

Margaret Rosomund Welch

Age: 70

Margaret reverted to Islam along with her husband when her neighbours invited the couple to the Deen almost 10 years prior.
Unfortunately she had passed away at Royal London Hospital and her body is still yet to be released from the mortuary as the cause of her death is still yet to be determined by the Coroners. Her distraught husband sought help from their neighbours and in turn made contact with the Muslim Burial Fund requesting burial support as the couple were on a low income and cared for each other. They were a childless couple and were reliant on the goodwill of their muslim neighbours and the support of social services.

Hussein Aly Mahmoud

Age: 61

Hussein was found dead in his home after the police gained entry by force, almost a week after being reported missing.
Hussein was Egyptian and lived alone with no family here in the UK. He stopped working in a petrol station a few years after having a heart operation. His few friends were concerned for his safety as he was not answering his phone nor did they have his address to go and physically check on his welfare. Hussein’s family in Egypt fortunately
provided his address and with the support of the police, his body was discovered in his home, already in a state of decay. Hussein’s friend was distraught and reached out to MBF requesting burial support.

Fatima Ahmed

Age: 90

Fatima passed away at her family home, she was 90 years old and originally from Somalia. Fatima had previously suffered from a stroke and her daughter was her main carer.
Her family had been frantically trying to arrange their mothers burial before the council offices closed for the Easter Bank Holiday weekend. It almost seemed that Fatima’s funeral would not take place until the following week as the family had been wrongly informed about which local authority would be issuing the documents required for burial. After much perseverance, the Muslim Burial Fund assisted Fatima’s family in securing the paperwork required for their mother’s speedy Muslim burial. Our charity also arranged for the funeral directors to attend her home immediately and to begin preparations for her Muslim burial.
Alhamdulillah, Fatima was laid to rest at a nearby Muslim cemetery within 2 days after passing away.

Online Will Service

Free Online Legal Will Service

Are you worried about being cremated or buried in a manner contrary to your faith and Islamic priniciples?

If the answer is yes then we highly recommend that you create a Islamic Will.

Sign up today for our free online legal will service.

We have teamed up with Islamic Finance Guru to offer a free online legal will service for Muslims.

How can you get involved?


Refer a vulnerable person in need of our help.


Do you want to support and empower the sick, needy and those reaching End of Life?

Have you got a few hours a week spare to do something wonderful? If the answer is yes then join our befriending team and help us to improve the quality of life of people who are terminally ill.


Organise your own fundraising activities! This could be anything from a car wash to a charity dinner.

Alternatively join us in one of our annual charity challenges like this year’s Al Noor Boat Race.


Help us to transform lives today by donating towards our cause.

Our Programmes

Eden Care UK
We want to improve the quality care for people who are terminally ill and reaching End of Life.
Muslim Burial Fund
We want to bury Muslims in need with dignity and in accordance with their wishes and faith.
Sylhet Aid
Providing poverty alleviation & aid to the poorest communities in the Greater Sylhet region.
Through RescueOrphans we support orphans within their communities and keep them safe.