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Love Orphans

Who Are You Helping?


Your donation will help orphans in Bangladesh, specifically in the Sylhet region.

Why does this matter?


In Bangladesh, 5.8% of children have lost either one or both parents. Half of them live in extreme poverty.

What difference will this make?


We’ll teach them practical skills like sewing, farming and education. We also provide food and shelter.

The Storm Broke Their Home

A storm came and blew their house away this Ramadan.

This is the third time a storm broke the home of these orphans.

The family are from Shunamgonj and we had only gifted them a Ramadan Food Pack two days ago which was meant to last them a whole month.

They had one Iftar meal from the pack and that was blown away too.


Need another reason to donate?

Remember, the Prophet Mohammad  (pbuh) said;

‘Whoever embraces an orphan of two Muslim parents by feeding him and giving him drink until he is independent of him, Paradise will certainly be necessary for him.’

( Source: Musnad Ahmad 19855 )

This is your opportunity to embrace an orphan.

Our Programmes

Eden Care UK
We want to improve the quality care for people who are terminally ill and reaching End of Life.
Muslim Burial Fund
We want to bury Muslims in need with dignity and in accordance with their wishes and faith.
Sylhet Aid
Providing poverty alleviation & aid to the poorest communities in the Greater Sylhet region.
Through RescueOrphans we support orphans within their communities and keep them safe.