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Pray for Palestine – March 2024

We are pleased to inform you that we are working with a network of Palestinian Charities to support the people of Gaza.

This includes Palestine Trauma Centre, Ops Ihsan, Forgotten Ummah, Restless Beings and Lonely Orphans.

We would like to thank our supporters and donors for your support during Ramadan and beyond.

Orphan Stories

This document was produced as part of our Orphans Mission in November 2023 where our team visited the orphans and listened to their stories. Many of these children suffered from severe poverty and hardship after the loss of a parent(s).

Winter Aid 2023

Our Winter Aid supported the rural poor with blankets, winter packs, sewing machines and wheelchairs. We also carried out home repairs and Emergency Aid to those in need.

Our distribution started from November 2023. More than 40 destinations across Sylhet and Sunamgonj district received aid from our team and distributed in their local areas.

13RT Dua Book 2023

This is a brief practical guide for people who have lost a loved one. Understandably, it can be one of the most difficult and challenging of times, however as Muslims we are blessed to have divine guidance in all our affairs which makes it easier to understand, cope and live with loss. For a believer, behind every loss there are countless blessings and favours from Allah that we ought to recognise and take comfort in.

“He who created death and life to test which of you is best in deed”
(Quran 67:2)

“Every blessing that takes you away from Allah is a calamity, and every calamity that draws you nearer to Allah is a blessing.”
(Ibn al-Qayyim)

MBF Brochure 2023

Muslim Burial Fund offer assistance and support to needy Muslims to meet the traditional burial cost and most importantly prevent the possibility of any needy person being cremated.

We provide pre-burial and direct burial support including the washing, shrouding, funeral prayer and the actual burial. We do not support the cremation of any Muslim persons known or unknown.

13RT Impact Report 2022

The name of our charity derives from Bengali folklore. The first generation of Bangladeshi people often expressed ‘crossing seven oceans and thirteen rivers’ to reach the UK.

Their descendants today have chosen the name of the charity after this expression as a way of honouring their sacrifice.

13 RT Rescue Orphan Homes Brochure

An orphan in Islam is defined as a child who has lost a parent or both parents. Losing a parent can mean that access to education, protection, shelter and food can become a dream for many.

In Bangladesh, 5.8% of the children below 18 years have lost either one or both parents. Almost 4 million children are orphans, with half of them living in extreme poverty. The responsibility of care for the orphan falls on all of us. Our sponsorship programmes operate within the Greater Sylhet region. Who could be more deserving of our help than the orphan child?

13RT Newsletter July 2022 Final

In Bangladesh people have been affected by monsoon floods from heavy and persistent rainfall which has forced thousands of people to abandon their homes. The downpours have caused extensive damage to houses, water sources, food stores, farmland and roads.

Before this week’s rains, the Sylhet region was still recovering from what was then its worst flooding in nearly two decades late last month, when at least 41 people were killed and six million others were affected