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Rescue Orphans

Our Vision

We support orphans within their communities and keep them safe.

Our Promise

We try our best to support orphans in their communities.


An orphan in Islam is defined as a child who has lost a parent or both parents. Losing a parent can mean that access to education, protection, shelter and food can become a dream for many.  

Orphan Homes

Orphans don’t usually have a home. They mostly stay in other people’s homes or in orphanages. If they do have a home, it is usually in a state of disrepair. Help us build a new house for orphans. With your donations we will build a 2-bedroom house with a bathroom and kitchen. Where possible we will also fit a tube well too! Make an orphan smile today. Help us build a new orphan’s home for £3,500.

Build a Home


We build new homes for orphans whose houses are usually in a state of disrepair.

House Features

Our homes are designed and built by local contractors in Bangladesh to last throughout the orphan’s childhood and well into adulthood to ensure that each child is supported properly and given the best chance at a normal life.

House Features (Continued)

One way we do this is by investing heavily in good elevated foundations that allow the house to resist damage from flooding; a recurring problem in the rural areas of Bangladesh. Each house also has a 2-room configuration to allow comfortable living for different people with varying circumstances. For instance, some inhabitants may use one room for sleeping and the other as a communal/ study room. Whereas others may use both rooms for sleeping. Lastly, we have included internal bathroom and kitchen to allow for safe and private living.

Your Support

With your support Orphans will learn how to support themselves and generate their own income, equipping them with practical knowledge and trade skills that are essential for their survival in later life.

Our Programmes

Eden Care UK
We want to improve the quality care for people who are terminally ill and reaching End of Life.
Muslim Burial Fund
We want to bury Muslims in need with dignity and in accordance with their wishes and faith.
Sylhet Aid
Providing poverty alleviation & aid to the poorest communities in the Greater Sylhet region.
Through RescueOrphans we support orphans within their communities and keep them safe.